
🚩I have a dental checkup in Meidi Mingzhou🚩

💕Introduce my basic situation first

🚩My coordinates are Minnesota.No dental insurance.The following are at own expense< /span>.If insured.Price is a different matter]

2016At the end of the year, I had a root canal nerve, which is called in the United States root canal. At the end of 2017year4I had my wisdom teeth removed. Just in time for Yami to post thistag.I would also like to take this opportunity to talk about my dental experience. Hope to give you some lessons. First of all, let me explain that I have paid for the two dental visits at my own expense. No insurance. In fact, I still had medical insurance. But my health insurance doesn't coverroot canal.It's really frustrating. Don't ask why you don't go back to your country to have your teeth extracted and see the teeth.?. I also wanted to go back to China to see it, but my teeth started to hurt when I returned to the United States from China. and then coupled with work reasons, there is no way to separate. And the toothache is killing me. . Just want to solve the problem as soon as possible! ! Immediately!

First surgeryroot canal

This is the day I was doingrooe canal. The weather is cloudy. The tooth I'm going to have is the one next to the front tooth. That tooth has been decayed for a long time.but it didn't hurt before.< /span>Suddenly it hurts so much.It was just a pain at first. It will be fine for a while and can be tolerated.It will develop into continuous pain later.It hurts for days. No way to eat, no way to sleep.thinks span>Hearts are all😂😂.

He immediately went to the local dental office. Everyone in the clinic in the United States should know that when you enter, you must fill in a lot of personal information. Then just wait by the side.If there is no insurance, the outpatient fee is paid by yourself.

After seeing the doctor for an examination and taking a picturex ray.It proves that the tooth has decayed Seriously, nerve damage. A must doroot canal.It almost scared me silly. And do root canal need to make another appointment. That is to wait. Endure the toothache and wait! It's a real pain..The doctor prescribed me some painkillers. It's just better.I'm in such pain that I have to take a doctor's prescription for it to work..This trip, I paid about 140 Knife around. Includes consultation fees andxlighting fees. To get medicine is to go to the pharmacy by yourself. About a dozen knives.

This ghost look was taken when I was preparing for surgery. I did the one next to the front teeth. Anesthetized. Although I didn't feel any pain, it was very uncomfortable to tap. You can feel various tools such as screws in your mouth.

The whole process takes about half an hour. When I was done, I took the painkillers and went home. No need to go back for a follow-up. No need for a crown. With the tip of the tongue, you can feel the cavity of the cavity being filled. However, the doctor also explained that you should never use that tooth for hard things, after all, it is not as hard as the original tooth.

The next day, I was pain free. It is really from hell to heaven after finishing it😍.I want to find the time I can't find the bill. I just remember that I spent about 940 for this fee. Because I paid in cash, give me 5% off.5% off.It’s really a shame to have no insurance for dental care in the United States! ! !

Second Surgery Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Wisdom teeth have been bothering me for too long! I have three wisdom teeth in total. The first two grew out without pain. The third one came out in bursts of pain, which particularly bothered me. I usually endure it when it hurts.I have never had the courage to pull it out! I thought that I could not pull it out.But this time it hurts for a whole month! ! And it's inflamed and swollen.and pustules. It is really the rhythm to collapse!

I immediately went back to the clinic where I had my last root canal to see a doctor.But this clinic does not do wisdom teeth extraction. You have to go to another dental specialist they recommend for extraction. Now I'm more nervous. It felt like a major surgery.

But still shoot here firstx ray.then they will put the result It was passed on to the clinic that recommended me to have my teeth extracted. The cost of this trip is more than one hundred yuan. It is important to remember to call to make an appointment before going to any clinic.

So don't assume that all dental offices have one-stop service.Many are just Basic Dentistry. If you want to have a tooth extraction or plastic surgery.you have to go to a more professional and authoritative dental clinic. But don't worry.they usually have letters of recommendation in the past.

This is the clinic I went to for wisdom teeth extraction

This is my bill for wisdom teeth removal

The business card pictured above is where the wisdom teeth are extracted. The first time you enter, fill in your personal information as usual. See the filming report. See a doctor.

They offered me three options for extraction. Just a tooth! 1.General anesthesia. The cost is approximately 1000+. 2.Local anesthesia + respirator.About 660+. 3.Basic local anesthesia557.

Actually at first I wanted to choose general anesthesia because I thought wisdom teeth extraction was a terrible thing. But seeing the price, I'll give it up. And if you have general anesthesia, you must be accompanied by another person. I was worried about not being able to drive after the surgery. Then I chose the most common one. The nurse will then schedule an extraction based on the plan you choose. Because each anesthesia time is different. It's been a month since the appointment. . I would say dentists are really busy.


[One month later]

One month later. It's finally time to get a tooth pulled! I have an appointment for 1pm. Went to eat something.

I remember taking painkillers as soon as I entered. Then I took three or four injections of anesthesia. In fact, the injection of anesthesia was still a little painful. After about ten minutes, the doctor came in and started to take effect. When I opened my mouth, it took less than five minutes for me to pull it out! ! what! ? ? I feel like I've pulled it out before I can comfort myself.??It's no exaggeration at all. I don't know if my doctor is too skilled. No pain at all. It took two stitches and the nurse gave me cotton plugs. During the period also explained a lot.

These are my wisdom teeth. I saw a friend with wisdom teeth that I could bring back. I didn't let us take it back here. I'll take a photo as a souvenir.

Post-extraction precautions

The duration of the anesthetic will last for 8-12hours after extraction . The nurses and doctors will explain to you some points that need to be paid attention to. The cotton should always be plugged in the wound and changed every half an hour. Painkillers and anti-inflammatories are prescribed by the doctor. Eat according to time. Only eat some soft liquid food, do not use straws. Don't eat hot. Then your face will be swollen like a pig's head. The nurse will give you an ice pack. Go back to ice. About 15-20 minutes.

From wisdom teeth extraction to night to sleep. I didn't feel any pain. Woke up the next day with no pain at all! Why do people say that the pain is dead and alive after the anesthesia is gone? ? I really didn't feel it at all. The only uncomfortable thing is the big hole! You can see the cave is dark. So still have to eat liquid food. What if something falls into a hole? The nurse gave me an artifact, which is super easy to use. It came out as soon as it was sprayed. However, it has been explained that you can only use it after a week after tooth extraction! So as not to hurt those fragile nerves just pulled out.

It's more than half a month since I had my wisdom teeth removed. No pain or swelling. The hole is still there. But the feeling has shrunk. The doctor said it will heal on its own. Everyone's time is different. The artifact has to be sprayed until it heals. So as not to get dirty inside easily. So I want to say that wisdom teeth extraction is really not scary at all! If there are friends who are still hesitating. If you are tossed and suffer. Better to pull it early! It will be really comfortable! The key is not to affect other teeth.

This is an artifact! Helps clean inside the teeth


Upcoming new students.New students with bad teeth.It is recommended that you go out after seeing a dentist in China. Wisdom teeth need to be pulled! Tooth decay should be filled! It is really expensive to see a dentist without insurance in the United States😂😂😂!

I hope my article is helpful to you.Thanks for watching!

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2016年底,我做了拔根管神经,在美国就是叫做root canal.20174月底,我拔了智齿。正好亚米出了这个tag.我也想借此机会说说我的看牙经历。给希望能给大家一些借鉴。首先先说明下我这两次看牙齿全部都是自费。没有保险。其实那时候我还是有医疗保险的。可是我的医疗保险并不包root canal.真的是好郁闷。大家不要问为什么不回国拔牙看牙这类的?。我也想回国看啊,可是偏偏是我从中国回到美国的时候牙齿才开始痛的。 然后再加上工作原因也没办法分身。而且牙疼起来要人命。。就想尽快解决问题!!刻不容缓啊!

第一次手术root canal

这就是我在做rooe canal的那天。天气阴天。我要做的牙齿是大门牙旁边的那一颗。那颗牙蛀牙很久了.可是之前都不疼.突然间就非常疼.刚开始只是一阵疼。一会就好了还可以忍受.到后面发展成为连续疼.疼了好几天。根本就没办法吃饭,没办法睡觉.s的心都有😂😂.


后来见到医生做了检查拍了x ray.证明已经蛀牙很严重,伤及神经。必须做root canal.当时差点没把我吓傻。并且做root canal还得另外预约时间。那就是还要等。忍着牙疼等等等!真的是活受罪.医生给我开了一些止疼药。才好了点.我已经疼到必须要吃医生处方药才好有效果.这一趟,我大概付了140刀左右。包括问诊费用和x光费用。取药是自己另外去药房的。大概十几刀。




第二次手术 拔智齿



不过还是先在这边拍x ray.然后他们会把结果传到推荐我要去拔牙的诊所。这一趟的费用是一百多块。要注意的是要去任何诊所之前都要记得先打电话预约。


















