Japan's COSME Awards are popular products. 91% of the ingredients are selected from ultra-mild activated water with anti-acid and anti-aging. No alcohol, fragrance, coloring and preservatives are added. 🥒Be sure to absorb the moisture from the skin, apply an appropriate amount of gel to the whole face and gently rub it, you will feel that the old dead skin cells have turned into white particles, rinse with water after 30 seconds! Exfoliate regularly for better absorption of skin care products! # 今天也是yami的一天 # # 双十一必囤 #
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yami_featured_image 日本COSME大赏人气产品,所含成分91%都是挑选超温和的具有防酸防老化的活性化水素,未添加酒精、香料、色素和防腐剂,去角质的同时更护肤! 🥒一定要将皮肤水分吸干,取适量者哩涂开全脸并轻轻揉动,你会感觉到老废角质都变成白色的颗粒,30秒之后用清水洗净!定期去角质,护肤品的吸收效果才好!# 今天也是yami的一天 # # 双十一必囤 #