# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # Net Red Fried Bean Cake When I watched the happy trio the other day I found out that Xi Mengyao is also eating This little cookie Don't look at its ordinary appearance really good This is an unintentional package to make up for free shipping When I got it back, I found that the biscuit was very ordinary. But after you take a bite, you find Although long and ordinary But when I eat it, I take one bite after another It's delicious 😂 It's a little cookie that will surprise you Not like the usual savory biscuits it's very crispy with a little salty taste It's unbelievably delicious I have repurchased several packs. Recommended Recommended Recommended
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yami_featured_image # 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 网红款煎豆小圆饼 前几天看幸福三重奏的时候 发现奚梦瑶也在吃啦 这款小饼干 你别看它这平平凡凡的样子 还真挺不错 这是无意间拿了包凑单免邮的 拿回来之后发现这饼干长的好平凡 但是你吃一口之后发现 虽然长的平凡 但是吃的时候会一口接一口 倒是挺好吃的😂 它是会带给你惊喜的小饼干 跟平常那种香香的饼干不一样 它非常脆 带一点点咸口味 就莫名其妙的好吃那种 我也回购好几包了 推荐推荐推荐