# 年货好物种草指南 # 44. The Little Sheep Mushroom Hot Pot Base is also delicious. The soup itself is delicious when there are no vegetables in it! There is a little chicken stewed mushroom flavor in the instant noodle seasoning package, but not so heavy mushroom flavor. However I will not repurchase because of the last paragraph. But let's go...Dai Bin and I are two people, the amount of a meal (a little more, the leftover is enough for one person to eat another meal)...After the meat and vegetables are put down, the taste of the soup will disappear immediately ...ruined by the juices from the vegetables. And it's on the premise that I add less water. If you think so, this is actually only suitable for personal small hot pot to eat. Half of the prepared soup is used as a dish for one person, and then taken out and soaked in the remaining half of the soup to eat. It's very troublesome.
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# 年货好物种草指南 # 44. 小肥羊 菌菇火锅底料这个也还算好吃的。本身的底汤不下出蔬菜时很好喝!有点方便面调料包的小鸡炖蘑菇味,不过没有那么重香菇味。然而我不会回购,原因是最后一段。 但是吧……我和呆斌两个人,一顿饭的量(下多了点,剩的还够一个人再吃一顿)……肉和蔬菜下下去之后汤汁的味儿立刻就散了……被蔬菜出的汁水毁掉了。 而且还是我少加水进去的前提下 。这么想的话这个其实只适合个人小火锅来吃。兑好的汤一半拿来住一人份的菜,然后捞出来泡在剩下一半的汤里吃。就很麻烦。