🐰 #T恤这样穿 #🐰 This is a pink T-shirt I liked a few years ago 🎀 The texture of pure cotton feels thick The pattern is that Daisy in Donald Duck is my favorite character~ This t-shirt was purchased from a Korean online store and can be shipped directly to the US I can't remember the name of the online shop, it's a bit old I just graduated from college at that time🎓 Still a little girl who loves pink 💗 The love for pink has gradually declined in recent years haha 😄 Although sometimes I see small pink objects, I will still be nostalgic and unable to move away But I don't think it's because I'm losing my girlish heart. Maybe it's just because I've been in love with pink for a long time and I'm tired of aesthetics. So later I fell in love with mint green and baby blue again Closer to home, this t-shirt goes well with Can be paired with pink shorts or a light-colored mini skirt It is easy to highlight our girly, sweet and lovely side With a girly white or pink bag, you are the cutest girl in this street👏🏻 When wearing this type of T-shirt, remember to be a little more naive with your hairstyle For example, cute meatball head, big wavy hair band, or indescribable shape like picture 1 😂 In short, sprinkle sugar is right 🍬🍬🍬 You can choose among the flowers, ice cream shop, afternoon tea, etc. Unleash your girly heart 💕💕💕 Thanks for watching 🙏🏻
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Yamiセレクション 🐰# T恤这样穿 #🐰 这是我前几年很喜欢的一件粉色T恤🎀 纯棉的质地 摸起来很厚实 图案是唐老鸭里面的Daisy 是我很喜欢的角色~ 这件T恤购于一家韩国网店 可以直邮到美国 网店的名字我已经记不太清了 年代有些久远 那时的我 刚刚大学毕业🎓 还是个热衷于粉色的小姑娘💗 最近几年对粉色的热爱逐渐下降哈哈😄 虽然有的时候看到粉色的小物件 还是会留恋地挪不开步 但我不觉得是自己在渐渐失去少女心 也许只是粉色爱久了审美疲劳吧 于是后来的我又爱上了薄荷绿和baby blue 言归正传 这件T恤很好搭配 可以搭配粉色短裤或者浅色的小短裙 很容易凸显出我们的少女感 甜美可爱的一面 再搭配一只少女系的白色或粉色包包 你就是这条街最可爱的女仔👏🏻 穿这类T恤的时候 记得发型也要做的天真烂漫一点 比如可爱丸子头 大波浪配发带 或者像图一这种不可描述的造型😂 总之撒糖就对了🍬🍬🍬 拍照场景可以选择花丛中 冰淇淋店 下午茶等等 尽情释放你的少女心吧💕💕💕 谢谢观看🙏🏻