# 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # Wow, it's the first time to eat Shaanxi's famous dessert-Zheng cake. It's really an early adopter. Recently, I am crazy about black glutinous rice, so last time Yami placed an order and bought a bunch of glutinous rice desserts, including this glutinous rice cake that I fell in love with just by looking at it. The brand is called Qin Yiwan, which directly points out the origin. The pattern on it is super attractive. I got up for breakfast and started steaming it immediately. It didn't steam in 20 minutes, so I took it to the microwave and turned it for two minutes. The shape is a bit similar to the Eight Treasures Rice, but the taste is different. The glutinous rice is the same, the characteristic is that the inner layer is not bean paste but millet, which is millet. The glutinous rice is super fragrant and sticky, and it is not as sweet as expected. It is really good. The price is more than three yuan, which is similar to eight treasures rice. Next time, try the sweet-scented osmanthus flavor.
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Yamiセレクション # 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # 哇,第一次吃陕西的名点-甑糕,真是尝鲜了。 最近狂爱黑糯米,所以上次亚米下单买了一堆糯米甜品,包括这个只看外观就爱上的糜子紫薯甑糕。 品牌叫做秦一碗,直接点明产地。上面的图案超级诱人啊,早餐起床立刻开始蒸,二十分钟也没蒸透,还是拿到微波炉转了两分钟。 形状跟八宝饭有点像,口味却不尽相同。糯米是一样的,特色是里面夹层不是豆沙是糜子,也就是小米。糯米超级香超级黏,完全没有想象的那么甜,真的很不错。 价格三块多,跟八宝饭差不多,下次试个桂花口味。