# 我的囤货清单 # He has shared a few masks in his family. This one is a water-oil balance, which can help control oil. In summer, the face is always more oily, and if the control is not good, it is easy to block the pores and cause acne, so after washing the face, you can switch to a mask that helps balance the oil on the face. The mask paper is soft and easy to use. The bag is a type of zipper bag. There are seven masks in it. Each time you take one out, the others will not dry out, which is very convenient.
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# 我的囤货清单 # 他家的面膜分享過幾款啦,這個的是水油平衡款,可以幫助控油。夏天臉上總是比較愛出油,控制的不好就容易毛孔堵塞長痘什麼的,所以洗完臉可以換用幫助平衡臉上油脂的面膜。面膜紙柔軟好用,袋子是夾鏈袋的類型,裡面有七張面膜,每次拿一片出來,其他的不會干掉,很好很方便。