Korean Bingray Strawberry Milk In fact, this series also has banana flavor and cantaloupe flavor. However, I still feel that the strawberry flavor is the best and most popular. It's my daily breakfast The entrance is very refreshing, strawberry flavor and milk flavor are very strong You can also take it out when you are busy You can drink it when you are busy to protect your stomach You can also try if you want to lose weight. The calories are not high.
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Yamiセレクション 韩国宾格瑞 草莓牛奶 其实这个系列还有香蕉味的和哈密瓜味的 不过感觉还是草莓口味最好喝也最受欢迎 可以说它是我的每日早餐了 入口非常清爽 草莓味和奶味很浓的 忙碌的你也可以带着它出门 忙里偷闲的时候可以喝一下 保护保护肠胃 想减肥的你也可以试试 热量并不高哦