Hourglass Primer 👍🏻 The best Primer I've ever used, but also the most expensive😅 The main role of Primer is to protect the skin, play a certain isolation role, and prevent cosmetics from directly contacting the skin. Another effect is to help make the makeup more docile and make the makeup more natural. This Primer from Hourglass does exactly that. When using it, you need to spend more time and patiently push the Primer completely away from your face. Then wait 1-2 minutes for the skin to fully absorb before applying makeup. When you first use it, you may feel that the texture of this Primer will make your face white, but it is not. After you put on makeup, you will find that it makes the makeup process smoother and makes the makeup more docile. The only disadvantage is that it is expensive. As a Primer, it is nearly 80 knives. I really need to consider whether I will repurchase it again. But again, it's really easy to use, and it's suitable for any skin type.
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Hourglass Primer 👍🏻 目前用过最好用的Primer,然而也是最贵的😅 Primer的作用最主要的就是保护皮肤,起到一定的隔离作用,不让化妆品直接接触皮肤。另一个作用就是帮助上妆的时候更服帖,妆感更自然。Hourglass家的这款Primer就完全做到了这两点。 在使用的时候,需要多花些时间,耐心的将Primer在脸上完全推开。然后等1-2分钟让皮肤完全吸收,之后再开始上妆。刚开始用的时候可能会觉得这款Primer的质地会使脸色发白,实际并不是,上妆后会发现,它反而使上妆过程更顺畅,让妆感更服帖。 唯一的缺点就是贵,作为一款Primer,将近80刀,确实要考虑一下是否会再回购。不过还是那句话,好用是真的挺好用的,适合任何肤质。