# 晒单闪现抢积分 # # 旧物集中营 # Every year, there is an activity of E home to buy essence and give away eye cream, and the most hoarded is the small brown bottle of 1.7oz! A bottle of Xiaocun'er can last for 3 months. Since I bought a 3.9oz bottle, I took out this empty bottle and checked its capacity again and again. It used to look quite big! The small brown bottle is a moisturizing and silent product. It is the best product to stabilize dry and sensitive skin. It is a repurchase model for ten thousand years. Without it, skin problems will appear. When using, you can use a dropper to drop on ten fingers, massage from the inside to the outside, and from the bottom to the top with your fingertips, and then rub your hands to press to promote the blood circulation of the face. Absorb the serum well and your skin will give you feedback.
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Yamiセレクション # 晒单闪现抢积分 # # 旧物集中营 # 每年都有的E家买精华送眼霜活动,囤的最多就是1.7oz的小棕瓶啦!小村儿个人一瓶可以用3个月,自从某次入了3.9oz的,今天拿出这个空瓶反复确认其容量,以前看着挺大的呀! 小棕瓶就是一款润物细无声的产品,稳定干敏皮最佳产品,万年回购款,没有它肌肤问题就会出现,完全依赖,没它会“方”。 使用的时候可以用滴管滴在十个手指上,用指尖从内向外,从下往上进行按摩,再搓热双手按压,促进面部血液循环。 好好吸收精华液,皮肤会给你反馈。