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Yami 앱 다운로드

당신을 위한 추천

韓國DR.LIV 低糖低卡魔芋果凍 桃子口味 150g x10個
DR.LIV 22種選擇
韓國DR.LIV 低糖低卡魔芋果凍 桃子口味 150g x10個
4.9 (108)
· 20+ 週銷
$15.90 $21.90
$1.59/件 · 10件


전체 보기

브랜드 스토리

A popular food trend in South Korea, are these Konjac diet jellies. With only 7 calories it makes a great supplement for your snacks before or after a workout or just a quick pick me up. The easy to open cap and small pouch makes it super convenient to carry anywhere. The best part of these jellies is that they actually taste like actual jelly snacks! Store it in the fridge for a nice refreshing treat.

韓國JELLY.B POKEMON寶可夢 皮卡丘 芒果味飲料 220ml【動漫好物】
JELLY.B 2種選擇
韓國JELLY.B POKEMON寶可夢 皮卡丘 芒果味飲料 220ml【動漫好物】
5.0 (6)
· 500+ 週銷

店慶·亞米品牌週 美食薈萃


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