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Popin Cookin 어린이 DIY 도시락 젤리캔디 29 g
Popin Cookin 어린이 DIY 도시락 젤리캔디 29 g
판매 중단
이 상품이 언제 재입고될지는 알 수 없습니다.
제품 셀링포인트
식품의 색과 맛을 100% 복원합니다.
물만 추가하면 준비가 완료됩니다.
부모-자식 활동에 필수적입니다.
상표 | 크라시에葵緹亞 |
브랜드 영역 | 일본 |
순 내용 | 29g |
색상분류 | 도시락매장 |
제품 가격, 포장, 사양 등의 정보는 예고 없이 변경될 수 있습니다. 적시에 제품 정보를 업데이트 할 수 있도록 최선을 다하지만, 받은 실제 제품을 참고하시기 바랍니다. 제품을 사용하기 전에 반드시 제품에 동봉된 라벨, 경고 및 설명을 읽어 주십시오.
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Yami 앱 다운로드
의견 피드백
의견 피드백
주의: 여기는 제안 피드백 전용입니다. 주문, A/S 등의 문의가 필요한 경우 고객센터에 연락 하십시오.
피드백 유형을 선택하세요
당신을 위한 추천

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브랜드 스토리
1887년 도쿄 스미다 가네가후치에 Tokyo Cotton Trading Company로 설립되었습니다. 2007년 7월에 회사 이름을 "Kracie"로 변경했습니다. 회사 이름에는 모든 직원과 임원의 다음과 같은 바람이 담겨 있습니다. "계절의 변화와 일상 생활 속에서 우리 그룹의 제품은 고객의 마음에 기쁨을 가져다 줄 것입니다. 건강하고 즐겁고 즐거운 라이프스타일을 창조하는 것을 목표로 합니다." 2020년 1월 1일부터 Kracie의 새로운 기업 슬로건은 "매혹적인 내일 Kracie"입니다. 기업 슬로건은 고객, 의뢰인 및 이해 관계자에 ...전체 보기

최근 본 상품
구독 성공!
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귀하의 이메일 :
5 별
4 별
3 별
2 별
전체 보기I watched popin cookin videos as a kid a lot and this was all that it was cracked up to be. The ramen flavor is better than this one but all in all it was really fun to make and pretty good to eat :D접기
I watched popin cookin videos as a kid a lot and this was all that it was cracked up to be. The ramen flavor is better than this one but all in all it was really fun to make and pretty good to eat :D전체 보기
Show OriginalI watched popin cookin videos as a kid a lot and this was all that it was cracked up to be. The ramen flavor is better than this one but all in all it was really fun to make and pretty good to eat :D
08/24/2024 구매 완료
so fun접기
so fun전체 보기
Show OriginalSo fun
03/14/2023 구매 완료
fun전체 보기
Show Original好玩
07/10/2022 구매 완료
so fun접기
so fun전체 보기
Show Original太好玩了
12/24/2021 구매 완료
This was fun to make but the flavors didn't taste so great but overall this was fun to eat and make접기
This was fun to make but the flavors didn't taste so great but overall this was fun to eat and make전체 보기
Show OriginalThis was fun to make but the flavors didn’t taste so great but overall this was fun to eat and make
04/23/2023 구매 완료
I really only order these just for the fun of making them lol. This one really tasted bad but it was still a fun experience!접기
I really only order these just for the fun of making them lol. This one really tasted bad but it was still a fun experience!전체 보기
Show OriginalI really only order these just for the fun of making them lol. This one really tasted bad but it was still a fun experience!
10/22/2022 구매 완료
Baby likes to play and bought every kind접기
Baby likes to play and bought every kind전체 보기
Show Original娃喜欢玩 每个种类的都买了
12/31/2021 구매 완료
The horror movie vision made by the hand-cancelled star 😂 Ma Ma pours the powder and the baby’s mixing process is very interesting 👍🏻👍🏻 When I finished preparing to put it, I found that it was originally placed on the meal box pattern on the packaging bag, but the packaging bag is already Put it in a bowl if you tear it접기
The horror movie vision made by the hand-cancelled star 😂 Ma Ma pours the powder and the baby’s mixing process is very interesting 👍🏻👍🏻 When I finished preparing to put it, I found that it was originally placed on the meal box pattern on the packaging bag, but the packaging bag is already Put it in a bowl if you tear it전체 보기
Show Original手残星人做出恐怖片视觉😂麻麻倒粉宝宝搅拌制作的过程很有意思👍🏻👍🏻做完准备摆的时候才发现原来是摆在包装袋上的餐盒图案上的,然而包装袋已经撕破了就摆碗里了
01/06/2019 구매 완료