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참깨빵믹스 500g
참깨빵믹스 500g
4.9 (50)
상품 유효 기간 12/05/2025
판매 중단
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바이오던스 바이오 콜라겐 리얼 딥 마스크, 수분 공급, 모공 최소화, 탄력 강화, 1.19온스*4개 오버나잇 마스크
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전체 보기Really delicious접기
Really delicious전체 보기
Show Original真好吃
11/07/2021 구매 완료
Don't put too much milk... Putting too much makes it sticky, so I had to make two packs. It tastes very good! ! ! The skin is crispy and the inside is waxy. Quick snack!접기
Don't put too much milk... Putting too much makes it sticky, so I had to make two packs. It tastes very good! ! ! The skin is crispy and the inside is waxy. Quick snack!전체 보기
Show Original牛奶千万别放多了……放太多粘得一手,只好两包全做了。 味道非常好!!!皮脆脆的,里面糯糯的。快手点心啊!
10/16/2018 구매 완료
Put a little more milk and it will taste very waxy and not too dry. The red dates are added to it very well!접기
Put a little more milk and it will taste very waxy and not too dry. The red dates are added to it very well!전체 보기
Show Original放多一点点牛奶口感就很糯不会太干 里面加了红枣很好次!
06/20/2018 구매 완료
Really not! Not enough sugar, put more in the bag접기
Really not! Not enough sugar, put more in the bag전체 보기
Show Original真不戳!糖放少了,下包多搁点
05/07/2024 구매 완료
Mochi is easy접기
Mochi is easy전체 보기
Show Original麻薯很简单
05/02/2023 구매 완료
Put a little brown sugar, white sesame seeds and 78g milk 🥛 really delicious! The outer skin is fragrant and crispy, and the inside is soft and glutinous mochi.접기
Put a little brown sugar, white sesame seeds and 78g milk 🥛 really delicious! The outer skin is fragrant and crispy, and the inside is soft and glutinous mochi.전체 보기
Show Original放了一点红糖 白芝麻 加了78g牛奶🥛真的很好吃!外皮香香脆脆 里面软糯麻薯口感~好吃 感觉也蛮健康
12/04/2018 구매 완료
I...I really didn't come to be funny. The comment said that 75ml of milk was added. I saw it as 750ml. The consequences can be imagined. This is not the bread ball I want! So I thought about the dead horse as a living horse doctor or it was still in the oven (I thought there might be unexpected gains) and then it looked like the picture-a- Actually, the shape is okay, but it tastes horrible|( ̄3 ̄)| It's like a squishy, there is also a pack when I have milk and butter next time I will try again wow hahaha (̀⌄ ́ ) 접기
I...I really didn't come to be funny. The comment said that 75ml of milk was added. I saw it as 750ml. The consequences can be imagined. This is not the bread ball I want! So I thought about the dead horse as a living horse doctor or it was still in the oven (I thought there might be unexpected gains) and then it looked like the picture-a- Actually, the shape is okay, but it tastes horrible|( ̄3 ̄)| It's like a squishy, there is also a pack when I have milk and butter next time I will try again wow hahaha (̀⌄ ́ ) 전체 보기
Show Original我..我真的不是来搞笑的,评论里说加75ml牛奶,我看成了750ml,后果可想而知,这不是我要的面包团!于是乎我想着死马当活马医吧还是仍烤箱里了(心里想着可能会有意想不到的收获)然后就是图片的样子- a - 其实吧造型还行,但是吃起来贼几把难吃|( ̄3 ̄)| 就像糊糊一样,还有一包等我下次有牛奶和黄油了就来再尝试一次哇哈哈哈( ̀⌄ ́)
07/27/2018 구매 완료
Ask for replenishment! ! ! It's delicious and not very sweet. You can add sugar if you like sweet. A box of 2 packs, one pack, I use 75ml milk, 1 egg, 12g sugar, a small handful of black sesame seeds, and 30g butter. Spray some water on the surface, 350F, 35 minutes. perfect!접기
Ask for replenishment! ! ! It's delicious and not very sweet. You can add sugar if you like sweet. A box of 2 packs, one pack, I use 75ml milk, 1 egg, 12g sugar, a small handful of black sesame seeds, and 30g butter. Spray some water on the surface, 350F, 35 minutes. perfect!전체 보기
Show Original求补货!!! 很好吃 基本不怎么甜 喜甜可以适当加糖。一盒2包,一包里面,我用75ml牛奶1个蛋12g糖,一小把黑芝麻,30g黄油。表面喷点水,350F,35分钟。完美!
05/23/2018 구매 완료
It's very good. I made it with my three-year-old, and she actually made the dough very well. There are two packets of powder in one box, one packet can make 13-14 pieces, and the baby ate three at once without having dinner 😂접기
It's very good. I made it with my three-year-old, and she actually made the dough very well. There are two packets of powder in one box, one packet can make 13-14 pieces, and the baby ate three at once without having dinner 😂전체 보기
Show Original很不错耶,跟三岁娃一块做的,她竟然和面的很好。一盒里两包粉,一包能做13-14个,娃都一下吃掉三个,没吃晚饭😂
02/17/2024 구매 완료
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh전체 보기
Show Original啊啊啊啊啊啊啊好好吃
03/14/2023 구매 완료