# 三食三餐 # # 调料 #I bought another rice seasoning a long time ago, but I thought it was too sweet, so I didn’t buy it again. I stumbled upon this by accident, and I bought a bottle because I was craving eel rice recently. I didn't fire the whole time. I cooked the quinoa rice with a rice cooker. During the cooking period, I thawed the eel and baked it at 365 degrees on the upper shelf of the oven for 15 minutes. When the rice was almost cooked, I threw away the broccoli and simmered. After the rice is cooked, start to pack the rice, broccoli, eel & rice veggies. The fragrant eel rice is ready!
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# 三食三餐 # # 调料 #自己很早以前有买过另一款rice seasoning,不过觉得偏甜,后来就没有再回购。无意中发现了这款,因为最近特别想吃鳗鱼饭,就买了一瓶回来。 我全程没开火。用电饭煲煮了藜麦饭,煮饭期间,解冻鳗鱼,丢烤箱上层365度烤15分钟;饭快熟的时候顺手丢了西兰花下去焖。饭煮好后,开始装饭,西兰花,鳗鱼&撒饭素。 香喷喷的鳗鱼饭就做好啦!