# 亚米经验值+1 # This mushroom soup hot pot base is made of real ingredients. There are many mushrooms in the soup base. It is also served with yam, shiitake mushrooms, red dates, and goji berries. The soup base has a strong mushroom flavor. I like to use it as a rice noodle soup base and add tomatoes , mushrooms, fresh shrimp, etc., taste delicious, if one person eats, one packet of soup base can be eaten in two portions.
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 这款菌汤火锅底料真材实料,汤底很多菌菇,另配山药、香菇、红枣、枸杞包,汤底菌菇味浓郁,我喜欢用它做米线汤底,加入番茄,蘑菇,鲜虾等,味道鲜香,如果一人食,一包汤底能分两次吃。