Yami 특선

Baby tableware has a good appetite

The most annoying thing for mothers is their children's eating problems! I'm also tired and have a headache! Especially kids are picky eaters! So I kept diverting her attention with new cutlery, and I could always coax her to eat for a while~ Children also like new things, and once the toys have been loved for a long time, they will become dusty. Not much to say, here is a picture of the meat sister who is obediently eating by herself👇👇👇

Miss Meat has been eating by herself since she was a child, and she used a spoon very early on. Don't ask me how I taught it, I really didn't teach it. Of course she does! After I cook it and let it cool, I let her eat it by herself. Although I will also help feed it with a spoon, she must have her own cutlery in her hand.

Non-stick pan on the way! 👇👇👇After buying the pot, the fried omelettes look great! During the cooling process, the little guy saw it and shouted to sit on it~ Sister Meat also has a very good habit, that is, she will move (push) the chair over by herself when eating!

Miss Meat's meal today: spinach omelette, boiled noodles and two small soup dumplings. Because there is no soup, the meat sister has no soup to drink today! The noodles were too dry, so I didn't finish it. The cutlery is still very good, although I still use my hands!

Wonderful meat sister, she eats meat buns instead of meat, only skins~ She eats🥟Dumplings only eat dumpling skins

Finally I'm showing off this crazy girl~~

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Yami 특선






