Yami 특선

[Cooking Secret Weapon 5] - Pudding Powder for Desserts

🌹🌹Worry about how to make a beautiful and delicious after-dinner when entertaining guests dessert? No time or skill to bake beautiful cake cookies? Come, teach you a trick to quickly make super simple, beautiful, and highly praised pudding! 😄😄



🌹🌹The secret is simple🤣🤣 span>Many supermarkets have ready-made pudding powder with various flavors, such as matcha, coconut and mango. .



🌹🌹I prefer matcha, sweet and refreshing

🌹🌹 According to the instructions, span>150ml of boiling water put a pack of pudding powder, because I still want to make pudding milk tea, so I used 300ml of boiling water put two packets of pudding powder.



🌹🌹 Attention, it must be boiling water, boiled water Pour into the container immediately after opening!

🌹🌹 The matcha powder must be poured into boiling water. Stir well until the matcha powder is completely dissolved, otherwise it will not dissolve enough and cause fine particles to affect the taste.🤣



🌹🌹 Let it cool down Later, you can pour it into various containers of different capacities and shapes that you like, such as round cups, square deep-mouthed small plates, etc., and then put them in the refrigerator to cool and solidify.



🌹🌹 Ok, wait until the pudding is completely solidified Just take it out of the freezer, use a nice plate, flip the pudding from the container onto the plate, add any fruit you like and enjoy.😋😋 The green pudding exudes a strong aroma of matcha tea, which makes people want to taste it at a glance< /span>🤩

🌹🌹Isn't it tempting😍 span>It's both face-saving and delicious to serve out?



🌹🌹 If you feel that eating pudding alone is a bit monotonous , how about another cup of pudding milk tea? Like this?



🌹🌹 Because the pudding is already green matcha , so choose the original milk tea. Milk tea powder is also readily available in supermarkets. First, use a small amount of hot water to fully dissolve the milk tea powder, and then add hot water or ice water to the required capacity according to your preference. Usually, a bag of milk tea powder is filled with half a bottle of mineral water.250ml



🌹🌹After the milk tea is ready, cut the pudding into small granules and put it in the milk tea. Okay, the fragrant original milk tea with the smooth and cool matcha pudding is really a wonderful combination, and it is not difficult at all to make, friends, come and try it😁😁

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Yami 특선









🌹🌹 按照说明书上说的,150毫升的开水放一包布丁粉,因为我还要做布丁奶茶,所以我用了300毫升的开水放两包布丁粉。



🌹🌹 注意,必须是开水,水烧开以后立即倒入容器操作!

🌹🌹 抹茶粉倒入开水后一定要充分搅拌均匀至抹茶粉完全溶解,不然会溶解不充分导致有细小颗粒影响口感的哦🤣



🌹🌹 再静置一会儿等稍冷下来以后就可以倒入各种你喜欢的不同容量不同形状的容器,比如圆杯子,方的深口小盘子之类,然后放进冰箱里冷却凝固。



🌹🌹 好啦,等布丁完全凝固以后就可以从冰箱里拿出来了,用一个漂亮的盘子,把布丁从容器里倒扣到盘子里,加上任何你爱吃的水果就可以开动享受美味了😋😋 绿色的布丁散发着浓郁的抹茶香气,看一眼就让人食指大动迫不及待想品尝🤩




🌹🌹 如果觉得单单吃布丁有些单调的话,再来杯布丁奶茶如何?比如这样的?



🌹🌹 因为布丁已经是绿色抹茶的了,所以奶茶就选原味的奶茶吧。奶茶粉也是超市里随手可以买到的。先用少量热水让奶茶粉充分溶解,然后视你喜好,兑热水或是冰水至要求的容量即可,通常是一包奶茶粉冲半瓶矿泉水即250毫升


