🍄Mother's Taste·Cold Oyster Mushrooms🍄 # 复刻妈妈的拿手菜 Today I'm going to serve a vegetarian dish that my mother taught me~ Chilled King Oyster Mushroom 🍄 1⃣️ Wash three or four king oyster mushrooms and steam for 30 minutes 2⃣️Leave the steamed king oyster mushrooms cool and tear them into strips 3⃣️Cut the minced garlic, chopped green onion, chopped coriander and add the king oyster mushrooms 4⃣️Add a small spoon of pepper oil, four spoons of light soy sauce, four spoons of balsamic vinegar, one spoon of chopped pepper or millet spicy (the chopped pepper label is in Figure 2), a small spoon of cumin powder, a small spoon of sugar, and a little salt 5⃣️Pour the hot oil that burns until it is smoking. Be careful not to burn yourself 6⃣️Mix and eat! Serve with some porridge, steamed buns or pies~ Healthy and delicious 😋 Friends who want to lose weight and want to satisfy their cravings, go and try it~ Thanks for watching 🙏🏻
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🍄妈妈的味道·凉拌杏鲍菇🍄 # 复刻妈妈的拿手菜 ## 亚米厨房 # # 百万积分第六季 # 今天要奉上一道妈妈教我的素菜~ 凉拌杏鲍菇🍄 1⃣️先把三四颗杏鲍菇洗净 上锅蒸30分钟 2⃣️把蒸好的杏鲍菇放凉 撕成一条一条的 3⃣️切好蒜末、葱花、香菜碎放入杏鲍菇 4⃣️再放入一小勺花椒油 四勺生抽 四勺香醋 一勺剁椒或者小米辣(剁椒标签在图2里)一小勺孜然粉 一小勺白糖 一点点盐 5⃣️浇上烧至冒烟的热油 注意别烫到自己 6⃣️拌一拌 开吃!配点粥 馒头或馅饼~ 健康又美味😋 减肥又想解馋的小伙伴 快去试试吧~ 谢谢观看🙏🏻