Product Information

Brand name : CCONMA

Product name : CCONMA red ginseng extract

Net content : 80ml x 30pack

Brand origin : Korea

How to store : Do not store in direct sunlight, extremely hot. Store in a dry or cool area.

Ingredients : 100% Korean six-year old red ginseng

- Made with 100% Korean six-year old red ginseng, it contain high in healthy saponin.

- No add any additives, only use red ginseng.

- It has own rich flavor.

- extract in low temperature long time, saponin loss in minimal.

- Good for boost immune system for men and women of all ages.

- Helping revivify and increased energy.


Guideline to eat

- 1 or 3 times a day, 1 pack for 1 time

- Saponin will destroy in high temperature, do not warm up.

Red Ginseng Extract 80ml x 30pack

Red Ginseng Extract 80ml x 30pack