方便速食 泡麵 自熱火鍋
泡麵 拉麵 杯麵 即食年糕
自熱火鍋 冒菜 麻辣燙 烤冷麵
螺螄粉 方便粉絲 酸辣粉 涼皮
即食飯 八寶粥 滷蛋 代餐
八寶粥 代餐 米稀 即食甜點
拌飯 即食飯 即食粥 即食湯
醬菜 鹹菜 拌飯醬 老乾媽
開袋即食 滷蛋 罐頭
火鍋底料 廚房調味
沾醬 花生醬 麻醬
乾鍋料 水煮魚 料包
湯料 鹵料包
醬油 醬汁 蠔油
辣椒醬/粉 豆瓣醬
料酒 香油 香辛大料
鹽/糖 冰糖 紅糖
調味醬 調味料 燒烤醬
沙拉醬 番茄醬 咖哩
糧油米麵 副食乾貨
米粉/線 麵條 粉絲
米 糯米 糙米
五穀雜糧 豆子
麵粉 麵點 預拌粉
食用油 橄欖油
豆皮 紫菜 海帶結 乾菜
莧皮 鴨血 豆腐 火鍋涮菜
大棗 銀耳 蓮子 枸杞
木耳 菌菇
海產 臘肉 醃味
餅乾 糕點 甜點
鳳梨酥 麻薯 沙琪瑪
蛋糕 麵包 派 銅鑼燒
餅乾 脆棒 烤饃片 酥餅
休閒 膨化 洋芋片
膨化 薯片 蝦條 點心 米果
威化 蛋捲 麻花 鍋巴
童年同款辣條 元氣早餐麵包 樂事新品限定 茶顏悅色·超全到貨 日韩便利店必買
韓國LILY 傳統栗子果 300g
品牌 | LILY |
品牌屬地 | 韓國 |
是否為有機食品 | 否 |
是否含糖 | 糖度 |
查看詳情 WARNING: California’s Proposition 65


鮑師傅 椰絲可可奶酥 曲奇餅乾糕點 120g【全美超低價】 【椰絲含量>25% 椰香濃鬱】【酥到掉渣】【亞米獨家】

鮑師傅 奶香提子酥糕點 酸甜酥脆 80g *5【5份超值裝】【全美超低價】【整顆提子在裡面 新鮮短保】【亞米獨家】

韓國RYO呂 白呂溫和舒緩洗髮精 人參咖啡因植物低分子膠原蛋白防脫護理 592ml 敏感頭皮保濕抗衰 強健髮根屏障 【新升級版】
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查看全部It was okay, very sweet!收起
It was okay, very sweet!查看全部
Show OriginalIt was okay, very sweet!
06/26/2020 已購買
It's really average...the skin is like paper and it's everywhere收起
It's really average...the skin is like paper and it's everywhere查看全部
Show Original真的很一般...外皮像纸一样而且一咬到处都是
04/17/2020 已購買
The structure is very ingenious. The two lid-shaped cakes are put together to cover the filling; the cake is similar to the foamy texture of the Sizhou shrimp cake, but it is slightly sweet; 🌟The filling is very sweet, say yes Chestnut cake 🌰, but there is no chestnut flavor, but it is very sweet. The filling tastes like lotus paste but thicker than lotus paste; it is not good to eat on an empty mouth 🙅, it is too sweet. If you don’t like sweets, you are not recommended to start it. Sweet friends, please be cautious too⚠️It is recommended to eat with light-tasting things such as white porridge🥣 or clear tea🍵. The taste will probably be better. Repurchase index: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️收起
The structure is very ingenious. The two lid-shaped cakes are put together to cover the filling; the cake is similar to the foamy texture of the Sizhou shrimp cake, but it is slightly sweet; 🌟The filling is very sweet, say yes Chestnut cake 🌰, but there is no chestnut flavor, but it is very sweet. The filling tastes like lotus paste but thicker than lotus paste; it is not good to eat on an empty mouth 🙅, it is too sweet. If you don’t like sweets, you are not recommended to start it. Sweet friends, please be cautious too⚠️It is recommended to eat with light-tasting things such as white porridge🥣 or clear tea🍵. The taste will probably be better. Repurchase index: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️查看全部
Show Original构造很别出心裁,是上下两个盖子形状的饼合在一起,包住了里面的馅儿;饼类似四洲虾饼那种泡沫的口感,不过是微甜的; 🌟馅儿很甜,说是栗子饼🌰,但没有什么栗子味,但就是很甜,馅儿的口感像莲蓉但比莲蓉更稠;空口吃不行🙅,太甜了,不喜欢吃甜的不建议你入手,喜欢吃甜的朋友也请慎重⚠️建议要搭配着白粥🥣或是清茶🍵等味道清淡的东西一起吃,口感大概会好点 回购指数:⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
03/13/2019 已購買
It’s so awful, blame I bought it without reading the reviews, it’s so expensive收起
It’s so awful, blame I bought it without reading the reviews, it’s so expensive查看全部
Show Original好难吃,怪我没看评论就买了,还那么贵
04/20/2020 已購買
It's terrible. . . . .收起
It's terrible. . . . .查看全部
Show Original巨难吃。。。。。
02/27/2019 已購買
The puff pastry on the outside becomes very sticky when it touches the liquid and sticks to the teeth. The meringue is thinner and less than it looks The filling is a soft chestnut filling wrapped in a piece of mochi, which is a bit too sweet. Not very special Maybe I won’t buy it again, but it’s good to try it~收起
The puff pastry on the outside becomes very sticky when it touches the liquid and sticks to the teeth. The meringue is thinner and less than it looks The filling is a soft chestnut filling wrapped in a piece of mochi, which is a bit too sweet. Not very special Maybe I won’t buy it again, but it’s good to try it~查看全部
Show Original外面的酥皮一碰到液体就会变得极富有黏性 会粘在牙齿上。酥皮比看上去要更薄更少 里面的馅是栗子的软馅裹着一块麻薯,有些过甜了。 味道没有很特别 可能不会再买了 但是尝个鲜还是不错的~
04/24/2020 已購買
I agree with what others say is very sweet. I ate one by myself and the other parents ate them all. A cup of tea is not so sweet.收起
I agree with what others say is very sweet. I ate one by myself and the other parents ate them all. A cup of tea is not so sweet.查看全部
Show Original我赞成别人说的是很甜。自己吃了一个,其它的爸妈全吃了。喝点茶就没那么甜了。
04/25/2019 已購買
The taste and texture of the tuckahoe cakes in Beijing are very similar. They are all rice cakes on the outside, with a sweet filling inside. If you like the tuckahoe cakes, you will like this chestnut fruit.收起
The taste and texture of the tuckahoe cakes in Beijing are very similar. They are all rice cakes on the outside, with a sweet filling inside. If you like the tuckahoe cakes, you will like this chestnut fruit.查看全部
Show Original和北京的茯苓饼味道和口感很相似,都是外面米饼味,里面甜甜的内馅,喜欢茯苓饼就会喜欢这个栗子果.
03/12/2019 已購買
It’s terrible... I only ate one and threw it decisively收起
It’s terrible... I only ate one and threw it decisively查看全部
Show Original真难吃…只吃了一个果断扔了
03/11/2019 已購買