
#7 Day Mask Check-in/Mask Review

Let me, an old aunt who has just started skin care a few months ago and is very lazy, give me some feedback. Say the point! ! ! The top three favorites, must buy: green pills, big wound nose sticks, barley water

1. Snowflake show on Double Eleven seconds, I know, this is character, no need to be jealous. After using this effect, I will definitely not buy it at the original price anyway. The Chinese medicine tastes good, but after using it twice, it is quite comfortable and relieves stress. I think once a week is almost the same. After all, if you clean the mask, too much force can easily damage the skin barrier and cause allergies. I think it's OK to remove dead skin, but I don't feel any other effects. After using it, my skin is really smooth and not dry.

Actually, if you apply it like this, it will almost cover the skin toneOK, but it is easier to apply it thicker. Apply evenly. Touch it every 7-8minutes, if it doesn't stick to the hand, it will form a film and tear it off, so it will definitely not hurt and less< /span>/No residue. Come to an ugly face gesture.

2. Big Band-Aid:$1.50 Four pieces, one with activated carbon and one with ordinary yellow bars. Personally, I like activated carbon, but I feel that the cleaning strength of ordinary models is stronger. 1-2Once a week, unlimited repurchase. Front renderings, high! can! Pre! police!

This is the rendering, I don't have too many blackheads.

3. Wet compress with barley water: It is said to moisturize and shrink pores, and a wet compress works best. So the above two cleansing masks are applied afterward. It doesn't seem to shrink pores, but the moisturizing is really good. I use the rest of the wet compress to wipe my legs. The skin on the dry, tight legs immediately softened. And without body lotion, it is effective within half a day. Cheap big bowl is effective, must buy.

4. Unlimited repurchase at the original price. Simple and rude, I like it. When the seasons change, it's dry to the point of peeling off, and it feels like it's crusted to the touch. Take a green pill, no need to wash or lotion, you can still keep it tender and smooth for two or three days. With the lotion, the effect lasts for a month. Yes, I am so lazy that sometimes I work overtime late, and I don't wash my face or wipe my face.

5. Similar to green pills. But the green pill was used first, so this is the second child.

6&7. Moisturizing is good and cheap, but it will cause acne if not washed off. With green pills, these are not used anymore.

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1. 双十一秒杀入的雪花秀,我知道,这就是人品,无需嫉妒。用下来这效果,反正原价我肯定不买。中药味儿还好,其实用两次闻习惯了还挺舒心的,解压。我觉得一星期一次差不多,毕竟清洁面膜,用力过猛容易破坏皮肤屏障导致过敏。我觉得去去死皮还OK,别的效果我反正没感觉出来。刚用完确实皮肤滑滑的,也不干。


2. 大创鼻贴:$1.50 四片,一款活性碳的,一款普通黄了吧唧的。个人喜欢活性炭的,但是感觉普通款清洁强度更大。1-2星期一次,无限回购。前方效果图,高!能!预!警!


3. 薏仁水湿敷:据说保湿且收缩毛孔,湿敷效果最佳。所以上面两款清洁面膜以后敷。看不出收缩毛孔,但是保湿确实不错。湿敷剩下的一点点我拿来擦腿。干到紧绷的腿上皮肤立马缓和了。而且不加体乳,半天内有效。便宜大碗有效果,必买。

4. 原价也要无限回购。简单粗暴,我喜欢。换季干到掉皮,摸着感觉结痂了那种。来一张绿药丸,不用洗不用乳液,依然可以保持嫩嫩滑滑两三天。加上乳液,效果保持一个月。对,我懒到有时候加班晚了,不洗脸不擦脸。

5. 跟绿药丸效果差不多。但是先用的绿药丸,所以这个是老二。

6&7. 保湿不错也便宜,就是不洗掉会闷痘。有了绿药丸,这些用完也就不再入了。