👍🏻 Baby sweater knitted by my grandma 👍🏻

 I'll post my grandmother's knitted baby Sweaters are the most unique in the world😂 here below span>2pictures are in his own small🛏️Photos from the bed, come and see the nice sweater with me😆< br>

This sweater is colorful and one of my favorite styles. Because it's beautiful! 😉

This one has only1 colors, I don't like it very much ! 😜

 This picture is from baby's first span>2 about a month! Looking at such a beautiful sweater, do you also want to learn to knit a sweater? 😜

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👍🏻我外婆织的宝宝毛衣 👍🏻

 我来晒我外婆织的我家宝宝毛衣,是最全世界独一无二的哦😂 以下这2张照片都是在他自己小🛏️床拍的照片,快点来和我一起来看看好看的毛衣吧😆


这件是只有1种颜色,我不是很喜欢的哦! 😜
