This is the peppermint tablet that our family will use when they are sick or allergic! When the baby is sick, the sleep is not good at night, especially the cough and nasal congestion make the baby unable to sleep, I will insert a piece of this for the child, the strong mint flavor helps the baby to fall asleep! (Don't take it directly with your hands. If you accidentally touch your eyes, it's called hot eyes, so at night, pull it out in the morning and put it away to prevent the baby from playing with it) Highly recommend ❤️ Thanks for watching 😘
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这个是我们家生病还是过敏都会用的薄荷片! 宝宝生病时晚上睡眠不好,尤其咳嗽鼻塞使宝宝无法入睡,我都会给孩子插上一片这个,浓浓的薄荷味 帮助宝宝入睡!(不要用手直接拿 不小心碰到眼睛那才叫辣眼睛,所以晚上用早上就拔起来放好以防宝宝拿去玩) 非常推荐❤️ 谢谢大家观看😘